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Bumble Bee Diversity and Abundance Survey
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started a project to characterize the number of species of bumble bees and the relative abundances of these species in...Resource formats:
Benthic Invertebrate Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started the Multi-Media Monitoring Study in 2015, in support of Ontario's Pollinator Health Action Plan, to measure...Resource formats:
Ontario's Local Distribution Companies (LDCs) Boundaries Map
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
The spatial extent of service territory boundaries for Ontario's local distribution companies (LDCs). ENERGY's data consumers require visualization of the service...Resource formats:
Status of COVID-19 cases in Ontario’s Provincial Correctional Institutions
Ministry: Solicitor General
This dataset is no longer updated This dataset compiles daily snapshots of reported data on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in Ontario's Provincial Correctional...Resource formats:
Announced projects: Rural Economic Development program
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get data on announced projects funded through the Rural Economic Development (RED) program. Ontario's RED program funds projects that stimulate economic growth in rural and...Resource formats:
Ontario field crop area and production estimates by county
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on the estimated area, production and farm value of field crops in Ontario, including: estimated seeded and harvested acres yield production farm value by...Resource formats:
Ontario flue-cured tobacco supply and disposition
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get data on the supply and disposition for Ontario flue-cured tobacco. Includes statistical data on: harvested area yield farm value dispositionResource formats:
Forest management annual reporting data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The dataset includes both harvest and natural depletions. It also accounts for silvicultural operations related to: natural regeneration planting seeding site preparation...Resource formats:
Population projections
Ministry: Finance
Annual population projections, from 2023 to 2051. These datasets include population projections by age and gender organized by geography: Projections for Ontario Projections...Resource formats:
Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund recipients
Ministry: Infrastructure
The Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) was launched in 2014 and provides funding to help small, rural and northern communities renew and rehabilitate critical...Resource formats:
Occupational health and safety field visits, workplaces visited, and orders issued
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
A field visit occurs when a ministry inspector visits a workplace to assess compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and regulations. A workplace is...Resource formats:
College enrolment
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
Data from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities' College Enrolment Statistical Reporting system. Provides aggregated key enrolment data for college students, such as:...Resource formats:
University enrolment
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
Data from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities' University Enrolment Statistical Reporting system. Provides aggregated key enrolment data for university students, such...Resource formats:
Moose tag allocation process results — summary
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data summarizes the current and previous years’ moose tag allocation process results by: year Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) moose type season allocation stage...Resource formats:
Moose tag allocation process results — detailed
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down the results of previous years’ moose tag allocation process results by: year Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) moose type season allocation stage...Resource formats:
Ontario Snow Survey location and data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data contains location information for 1 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks: Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC) Snow course data is collected by: conservation...Resource formats:
Government official names
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
Bilingual reference lists on the following topics: names and official titles of current ministers and parliamentary assistants official names, including short forms and...Resource formats:
Historical fish stocking data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Get data on fish stocking records from 1900 - 2012. This dataset is the most complete collection of historical fish stocking records available for the time period 1900 to 2012....Resource formats:
Socio-economic statistics for rural and urban Ontario
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data for rural and urban Ontario on key socioeconomic variables. The data identifies: demographic information for rural and urban Ontario by census year...Resource formats:
Ontario Economic Accounts
Ministry: Finance
The Ontario Economic Accounts (OEA) is a public document, released four times a year that provides an overall assessment of the current state of the Ontario economy. OEA...Resource formats: