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Ontario apple production by marketing channel
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on marketed apple production, transaction price, grower price and average marketing costs by marketing channel such as: processing into juice, processing...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs top chemicals and therapeutic classes
Ministry: Health
Drug chemicals and therapeutic classes are listed in rank according to total drug costs, growth in drug costs and growth in recipients. Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs at...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs Narcotics Monitoring System tracked opioids
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by opioid subcategory and includes: number of recipients dispensers total oral morphine equivalents ranking Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs at a...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs Narcotics Monitoring System data by recipients
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by age and sex and includes information on the total number of dispensers monitored by the Narcotics Monitoring System. Read the Ontario Public Drug...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs drug submissions by manufacturers
Ministry: Health
This dataset is aggregated by submission category. It contains information on drug manufacturers' submissions to the Ontario Public Drug Programs, including average number...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs cost data
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by drug program type and includes: number of recipients number of claims total drug costs total drug markups and other fees total amounts paid by the...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs by recipient group
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by age group and drug program type and includes: number of recipients number of claims total drug costs total drug markups and other fees total amounts...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs by brand or generic drug
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by brand or generic drug status and includes: number of recipients number of claims total drug costs total drug markups and other fees total amounts...Resource formats:
Households enrolled in Ontario’s Trillium Drug Program
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on households enrolled in the Trillium Drug Program aggregated by enrolment history. Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs at a Glance Report...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs Seniors Copayment Program
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on the processing times and enrolled households in the Seniors Co-payment Program. Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs at a Glance Report for...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs pharmacy professional services
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by professional service program and includes: number of recipients claims quantity of services total professional service fees Read the Ontario Public...Resource formats:
Ontario public drug programs exceptional access program top 10 drugs
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on the turnaround time and approvals for the top ten drugs requested to the Exceptional Access Program. Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs Exceptional Access Program response times
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by queue priority and includes information on the turnaround times and targets for submissions made to the Exceptional Access Program. Read the Ontario...Resource formats:
Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary / Comparative Drug Index (Formulary/CDI)
Ministry: Health
This dataset contains details on the drug benefit information for drugs listed on the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Formulary. Data extract and schema Search toolResource formats:
Ontario‘s Trillium Drug Program processing times
Ministry: Health
This data includes information on the Trillium Drug Program, including: number of enrolled households household incomes processing times deductibles paid Read the Ontario...Resource formats:
Cancer drugs funded by Ontario Public Drug Programs
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on cancer drugs, including: number of recipients number of claims total drug costs total drug markups and other fees total amounts paid by the...Resource formats:
Built Boundary for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The built boundary identifies built-up urban areas across the Greater Golden Horseshoe. It is a fixed line that reflects what was built and on the ground when the Growth Plan...Resource formats:
Performance indicators for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Performance indicators are used to measure the implementation of the Growth Plan's policies. They are intended to provide useful information on how growth and development in...Resource formats:
Survey results: Gender and sex information on Ontario government IDs and forms
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
The survey ran from August 8 to September 16, 2016. Survey results were used to develop a government-wide policy on how gender and sex information is collected, used, retained...Resource formats:
Consumer Inquiries
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Number of calls to 1-800-ONTARIO, number of user sessions on, and number of visitors at Ontario Travel Information Centres are reported by the Ontario...Resource formats: