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5 datasets found

Asset type: Dataset (5) and Formats: XLS (5) and Update frequency: Historical (5)

  • Prescribed Substances under the Toxics Reduction Act

    Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks

    The Toxics Reduction Act aims to protect the health of people and the environment by reducing the use and emission of the toxic substances prescribed in this list. The Toxics...

    Resource formats:

    • XLS
    • PDF
  • Small Landfill Sites (Historical data)

    Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks

    Data with the following information for small landfills: open/closed status site owner site location Certificate of Approval number This dataset was last updated in 2014 and...

    Resource formats:

    • XLS
    • CSV
  • Large Landfill Sites (Historical data)

    Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks

    Data with the following information for large landfills: landfill capacity fill rates estimated remaining capacity engineering designs reporting and monitoring details This...

    Resource formats:

    • XLS
    • CSV
  • Toxics Reduction Act – Living List Status of Nominations

    Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks

    The Toxics Reduction Act requires the ministry to consult with experts and the public at least once every five years about possible changes to the lists of substances that are...

    Resource formats:

    • XLS
    • PDF
  • Farm and off-farm Income

    Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

    Get statistical data on the value of farm capital in Ontario. This dataset is no longer collected or maintained. Information and data held by the Ontario Ministry of...

    Resource formats:

    • XLS