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Wild turkey harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down spring, fall and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest numbers are based on mandatory reports received from...Resource formats:
Lake Trout Lakes in Ontario
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
A comprehensive list of inland Ontario lakes (exclusive of the Great Lakes) that are currently designated for Lake Trout management. The list classifies the lakes as to whether...Resource formats:
Chronic wasting disease surveillance in members of the deer family
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Chronic wasting disease is a fatal, untreatable disease of the central nervous system affecting members of the wild cervid family (for example, white-tailed deer, American elk,...Resource formats:
Aquatic invasive species
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset includes ecological information for non-indigenous aquatic species (fish, invertebrates and plants) that were identified as current or potential invaders to Ontario...Resource formats:
Wildland fire suppression rates
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry sets rates each year for the cost of aircraft, vehicles and equipment owned by the Crown and used for controlling or extinguishing...Resource formats:
Catalogue of natural resource scientific and technical publications
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Search a list of the scientific and technical publications issued since 2004. Email us to request a publication. This catalogue is designed for users of natural resources...Resource formats:
Ontario Wood products
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Search for sustainable, locally crafted Ontario Wood products. For more information, see: Find Ontario Wood productsResource formats:
Sustainable Forest Licences
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
A list of the current Sustainable Forest Licences (SFLs) granted by the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. SFLs are long-term licences granted for up to 20 years. They...Resource formats:
White-tailed deer hunting activity and harvest
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunters as well as antlered, antlerless and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter...Resource formats:
Moose hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down bull moose, cow moose, calf moose and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are...Resource formats:
Wolf and coyote hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies...Resource formats:
Black bear hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies...Resource formats:
Elk harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down bull elk, cow elk and total harvest numbers by: elk harvest area calendar year Harvest numbers are based on mandatory reports received from elk tag...Resource formats:
Guide Effectiveness Monitoring Program Site Information
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Get information on research plots for the Guide Effectiveness Monitoring Program This dataset includes ecological information for Guide Effectiveness Monitoring (GEM) Program...Resource formats: