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Make a Topographic Map application
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s Make a Topographic Map is a mapping application that features the best available topographic data and imagery for Ontario. You...Resource formats:
Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Provides stream water quality monitoring data for a number of parameters, including total and dissolved nutrients, metals, and chloride. The Provincial (Stream) Water Quality...Resource formats:
Geographic Township Improved
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
A Township is a land subdivision in Ontario. This information was captured through the Ontario Base Mapping Program, is maintained by the Ministry of Natural Resources and...Resource formats:
Lake Water Quality at Drinking Water Intakes
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This data set includes information on sampling locations, water chemistry and chlorophyll collected at 18 locations in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River and 4 locations in Lake...Resource formats:
Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) datasets report on ambient (baseline) groundwater level and chemistry conditions. Groundwater monitoring mapResource formats:
Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for the Broader Public Sector
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
The Broader Public Sector (BPS) plays an important role in helping Ontario meet its conservation targets and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Under O. Reg. 25/23 (Broader Public...Resource formats:
Bumble Bee Diversity and Abundance Survey
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started a project to characterize the number of species of bumble bees and the relative abundances of these species in...Resource formats:
Benthic Invertebrate Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started the Multi-Media Monitoring Study in 2015, in support of Ontario's Pollinator Health Action Plan, to measure...Resource formats:
Ontario field crop area and production estimates by county
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on the estimated area, production and farm value of field crops in Ontario, including: estimated seeded and harvested acres yield production farm value by...Resource formats:
Historical fish stocking data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Get data on fish stocking records from 1900 - 2012. This dataset is the most complete collection of historical fish stocking records available for the time period 1900 to 2012....Resource formats:
Hazardous Waste Public Information
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This hazardous waste dataset contains spatial information about generators, carriers and receivers of hazardous and liquid industrial waste. Also contains the volumes and...Resource formats:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting By Facility
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks collects greenhouse gas emissions data from regulated facilities under Ontario Regulation 390/18: Greenhouse Gas...Resource formats:
White-tailed deer hunting activity and harvest
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunters as well as antlered, antlerless and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter...Resource formats:
Forest resource mills
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset provides a listing and relevant details for forest resource processing facilities (mills) that are licensed and operating or require a licence to operate in...Resource formats:
Wild turkey harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down spring, fall and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest numbers are based on mandatory reports received from...Resource formats:
Moose hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down bull moose, cow moose, calf moose and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are...Resource formats:
Wolf and coyote hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies...Resource formats:
Black bear hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies...Resource formats:
Elk harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down bull elk, cow elk and total harvest numbers by: elk harvest area calendar year Harvest numbers are based on mandatory reports received from elk tag...Resource formats:
Lake Huron Recreational Creel Survey Data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review