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Municipal election results
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset contains Municipal post-election data, including (but not limited to): number of voters, voter turnout (%), alternative voting methods and other municipal election...Resource formats:
Greenbelt towns and villages
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
General information on the location of towns and villages (settlement areas) in the countryside areas protected by Greenbelt plan. For precise boundaries and locations of...Resource formats:
Greenbelt hamlets
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Hamlets are smaller settlement areas identified in municipal official plans, generally without municipal water and sewer servicing. For precise boundaries and locations of...Resource formats:
Municipal Client Satisfaction Survey Results
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset measures satisfaction with the services provided to municipalities through MMAH's regional offices. Dataset includes the following information (where available)...Resource formats:
Municipal Land Use Planning
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This data tracks the review and final decisions for files where the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the planning approval authority. Dataset includes the following...Resource formats:
Municipal restructuring activity summary table
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Municipal restructuring refers to activities that may be responses to changing municipal responsibilities and issues related to growth. Principal forms of municipal...Resource formats:
Municipal boundaries as of 1996
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
An upper-tier municipality is made up of 2 or more lower-tier municipalities. Municipal responsibilities set out under the Municipal Act and other Provincial legislation are...Resource formats:
Lower-tier and single-tier municipal boundaries
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
A single-tier municipality doesn't form part of an upper-tier municipality and assumes all municipal responsibilities set out under the Municipal Act and other Provincial...Resource formats:
Grants Ontario - Affordable Housing Information Management System
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review