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Youth Opportunities Fund recipients (2013-16)
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Through the Ontario Youth Action Plan, the Youth Opportunities Fund was created to support community initiatives in priority and disadvantaged neighbourhoods across Ontario....Resource formats:
Youth Mental Health Court Worker Program
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
This program provides supports to Youth Justice Court for youth aged 12-17 with mental health needs who are in conflict with the law. Program workers establish links between the...Resource formats:
Youth Justice Services regional boundaries
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
From April 1, 2004 to Jan 12, 2014, Ministry of Children and Youth Services used the following regions: Eastern Central Western Northern These 4 Youth Justice Services...Resource formats:
Youth Justice service delivery
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
The Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Youth Justice service delivery system provides community and custodial programs for youth in, or at risk of, conflict with the law,...Resource formats:
Youth Justice regional offices
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Data includes the locations of the 4 Youth Justice regional offices in the province. Details include: region street address building (if applicable) city postal code latitude...Resource formats:
Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Program
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
The Ontario Women's Directorate provides grant funding to community agencies and educational facilities to deliver pre-apprenticeship training in the skilled trades and...Resource formats:
Victim Support Line (information and referral component)
Ministry: Attorney General
The Victim Support Line (VSL) is a multilingual telephone service that provides information for victims of crime about services available throughout Ontario. The support line is...Resource formats:
Urban Growth Centres Boundaries for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006 identifies 25 existing or emerging downtown areas as Urban Growth Centres. The plan establishes policies and minimum...Resource formats:
Third-party Employment Service providers
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Data includes the following information for each service provider: region (the ministry's geographical boundary) program service provider ID service provider name (legal...Resource formats:
Tele-Mental Health service regions
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Ontario's Tele-Mental Health Service provides access to specialized mental health consultants to children and youth in rural, remote and underserved communities. This...Resource formats:
SupportLink statistical reporting
Ministry: Attorney General
The SupportLink program provides support to victims identified at risk for: domestic violence sexual assault and criminal harassment Victims receive safety planning and, if...Resource formats:
Support services for male survivors of sexual abuse
Ministry: Attorney General
The Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Program provides individual and group counselling and a 24/7 multilingual telephone service. Services are provided by...Resource formats:
Support for victims of crime
Ministry: Attorney General
The Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral Services (VCARS) provide immediate, 24/7, on-site service to victims of crime. With a victim's consent, police will arrange for...Resource formats:
Supervised Access Program Centre statistical reporting
Ministry: Attorney General
The Supervised Access Program provides separated and divorced families with a safe, neutral, child-focused meeting place. This is used for visits and exchanges between children...Resource formats:
Successful Seniors Community Grant Program recipients
Ministry: Seniors and Accessibility
The Ministry of Seniors Affairs (formerly known as the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat) supports organizations to give seniors more opportunities to participate in their...Resource formats:
Student Nutrition Program boundaries
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
The boundaries of the 14 lead agencies that support the Student Nutrition Program. Data contains lead agency names and accompanying shape files that detail their service areas.Resource formats:
Special needs service areas
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
The data is used to create reference and thematic maps The Special Needs Strategy was launched in February 2014 to improve services for children and youth with special needs and...Resource formats:
Social Assistance Caseloads
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Data prior to April 1998 includes recipients of: general welfare assistance family benefits foster care handicapped children benefits Data from April 1, 1998 onward includes...Resource formats:
Sexual Assault Centres statistical reporting
Ministry: Attorney General
The Sexual Assault Centre program provides crisis support and intervention services to victims of sexual assault, abuse and/or incest survivors. Services include: accompanying...Resource formats:
Service Delivery Division boundaries
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
From 2003 to January 12, 2014, Ministry of Children and Youth Services used the following 9 regions: Eastern South East Central East Central West South West Hamilton/Niagara...Resource formats: