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63 datasets found

Topics: Infrastructure and Transportation (63) and Access level: Open (63)

  • Extreme Flow Statistics

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The flood magnitude statistics can be used for applications such as flood plain delineation and design of hydraulic structures. The drought severity statistics can be used for...

    Resource formats:

    • MDB
  • Ontario Road Network: Road Net Element

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The ORN is a provincewide geographic database of over 250,000 kilometres of municipal roads, provincial highways, and resource and recreational roads. The ORN is the...

    Resource formats:

    • DOCX
    • PDF
  • Ontario Dam Inventory

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The Ontario Dam Inventory (ODI) is an inventory of medium and large dams throughout Ontario. It uses a point-based system (x, y location) to identify each dam location. The ODI...

    Resource formats:

  • Building to Scale

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    A building is a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place. Small buildings have only their location recorded. A 'building to...

    Resource formats:

  • Building as Symbol

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    A building is a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place. Symbols are used when buildings and structures are permanent landmarks....

    Resource formats:

  • Ontario Railway Network (ORWN)

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The Ontario Railway Network (ORWN) is seven data classes that use the federal GEOBASE standard for the National Railway Network (NRWN) geospatial data. The seven data classes...

    Resource formats:

  • Ontario Road Network (ORN) Composite

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The Ontario Road Network (ORN) Composite product is a segmented derivative of the ORN Road Net Element (ORNELEM) data class. You can use it for mapping and general spatial...

    Resource formats:

    • WEB
  • Incidents and closures

    Ministry: Transportation

    This date set contains up-to date information regarding active events, including incidents and closures on provincially owned and maintained highways, and is available to be...

    Resource formats:

    • WEB
  • Built-Up Area

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Built-Up Areas are man-made land cover features, ranging from small hamlets at rural cross roads to large cities. This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]:...

    Resource formats:

  • Energy and water usage of large buildings in Ontario

    Ministry: Energy and Electrification

    Get data on the intensity of energy and water usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as property use types for buildings larger than 100,000 square feet. Where...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Ontario Builds: key infrastructure projects

    Ministry: Infrastructure

    This is a sample of key infrastructure projects happening in Ontario. Projects will be added and updated on an ongoing basis. The dataset includes: project name category...

    Resource formats:

    • CSV
    • WEB
  • Lot fabric improved

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The spatial accuracy of the lot fabric for some townships has been improved through the Ontario Parcel, Township Realignment and Township Improvement projects. Improvements to...

    Resource formats:

  • Vehicle population data

    Ministry: Transportation

    The data set contains registered vehicle population count by various criteria such as vehicle class, vehicle status, vechicle make, vehicle model, vehicle year, plate class,...

    Resource formats:

    • ZIP
    • PDF
    • WEB
    • XLSX
  • Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund recipients

    Ministry: Infrastructure

    The Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) was launched in 2014 and provides funding to help small, rural and northern communities renew and rehabilitate critical...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Road conditions

    Ministry: Transportation

    This date set contains up-to date information regarding current road conditions on provicnally owned and maintained highways, and is availble to be viewed on Ontario 511 under...

    Resource formats:

    • WEB
  • Travel information centres

    Ministry: Transportation

    Travel Information Centres are available throughout the province of Ontario, and offer tourists and travelers insight and information about Ontario. For more details about these...

    Resource formats:

    • DOCX
    • KML
    • WEB
    • ZIP
  • GO Train stations

    Ministry: Transportation

    GO Transit is the regional public transit service for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. For more information regarding GO stations and TTC hubs, please visit Metrolinx. GO...

    Resource formats:

    • DOCX
    • ZIP
    • KML
  • High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes

    Ministry: Transportation

    High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are designated lanes that can only be used by vehicles carrying two or more people or other specifc types of vehicles, such as licensed taxis...

    Resource formats:

    • KML
  • Today’s roadwork: construction

    Ministry: Transportation

    This data set contains up-to date information regarding ongoing construction projects on provincially owned and maintained highways, and is available to be viewed on Ontario 511...

    Resource formats:

    • KML
  • Planned roadwork

    Ministry: Transportation

    This date set contains up-to date information regarding current and future roadwork occuring on provicnally owned and maintained highways, and is available to be viewed on...

    Resource formats:

    • KML