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Course enrolment in secondary schools
Ministry: Education
Data tracking the number of students enrolled in ministry defined secondary school courses at the provincial level. These ministry defined courses are for students in grades 9...Resource formats:
Availability of adult and pediatric ICU beds and occupancy for COVID-related critical illness (CRCI)
Ministry: Health
This dataset compiles daily counts of patients (both COVID-related and non-COVID-related) in adult and pediatric ICU beds and the number of adult and pediatric ICU beds that are...Resource formats:
COVID-19 Vaccine Data in Ontario
Ministry: Health
Effective November 14, 2024 this page will no longer be updated. Information about COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses is available on Public Health Ontario’s interactive...Resource formats:
Deaths Involving COVID-19 by Vaccination Status
Ministry: Health
This dataset reports the daily reported number of the 7-day moving average rates of Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status and by age group. Learn how the Government of...Resource formats:
Status of COVID-19 cases in Ontario
Ministry: Health
Status of COVID-19 cases in Ontario This dataset compiles daily snapshots of publicly reported data on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in Ontario. Learn how the...Resource formats:
Career college compliance notices and enforcement actions
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
The Superintendent of Career Colleges can take action against registered career colleges not operating their business in accordance with the law, as well as unregistered...Resource formats:
Ontario maple syrup production
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on the production and farm value of maple syrup produced in the province.Resource formats:
Ontario honey production
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on the estimated number of beekeepers and bee colonies and their production, yield, average price and honey value.Resource formats:
Vehicle population data
Ministry: Transportation
The data set contains registered vehicle population count by various criteria such as vehicle class, vehicle status, vechicle make, vehicle model, vehicle year, plate class,...Resource formats:
Ontario’s housing supply progress
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This data compares how many new homes have been started towards municipal housing targets for 2031. Data is shown only for municipalities assigned housing targets by the...Resource formats:
Data on Inmates in Ontario
Ministry: Solicitor General
The Ministry of the Solicitor General annually releases data on the segregation, restrictive confinement, and deaths in custody of inmates in Ontario’s adult correctional...Resource formats:
EnAbling Change Program - project recipients
Ministry: Seniors and Accessibility
The EnAbling Change Program provides funding to not-for-profit organizations, industry organizations and professional associations and municipalities to educate their...Resource formats:
Ontario potatoes production
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on the area, production, value and price of potatoes grown in Ontario, including data on planted, harvested, yield and farm value of potatoes.Resource formats:
Northwest Greater Toronto Area transmission corridor study area
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
Get mapping data related to the Northwest Greater Toronto Area Transmission Corridor Identification Study. In June 2019, the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines...Resource formats:
Non-government agency Nature Reserve
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
NGO Nature Reserves are polygon features describing lands held by nature trusts and other non-government agencies for the purpose of nature conservation. We are no longer...Resource formats:
Forest genetics zone
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This spatial data identifies breeding zones used by forest managers and forest genetic associations to manage provincial forest genetic assets. The data: shows the boundaries...Resource formats:
Fish activity area
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The fish activity area data represents the consolidation of two fish data classes collected by the Ministry of Natural Resources. The data estimates locations used by fish for...Resource formats:
Historical Ontario field crop production by crop
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on the estimated harvested area, yield, production, price and farm value of field crops in Ontario.Resource formats:
Inclusive Community Grants project recipients
Ministry: Seniors and Accessibility
The Inclusive Community Grants Program provides funding to local governments, not-for-profit organizations and Indigenous communities/organizations. The goal of the program is...Resource formats:
Current Ontario field crop production by crop
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Statistical data on estimated seeded and harvested acres, yield, production and farm value by year.Resource formats: