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Niagara Escarpment Commission expenses
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Get data on travel expenses for Niagara Escarpment Commissioners and the Commission Chair This dataset shows detailed quarterly travel expenses for 17 Niagara Escarpment...Resource formats:
Police officers in census metropolitan areas
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Data from the Police Administration Survey. Describes the police strength (number of police...Resource formats:
Crime Severity Index
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of Solicitor General. Data from the Police Reported Crime Severity Index. Measures changes in Canadian crime severity from...Resource formats:
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Homicides under the Criminal Code include: murder, first degree murder, second degree manslaughter...Resource formats:
Incident-based crime rates
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Includes the number of crimes, whether police have solved the crime and any charges laid. These...Resource formats:
Forest Resources Inventory leaf-on LiDAR
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Single photon lidar light detection and ranging (SPL LiDAR) is an active remote sensing technology for: mapping vegetation aspects including cover, density and height...Resource formats:
Police resources
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of Solicitor General Includes details about police hiring, retirement, retirement eligibility and minority status. Dataset...Resource formats:
Natural heritage system areas (NHSAREA)
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset shows the boundaries of systems of natural heritage features and areas, lands and waters that support connectivity and have significant ecological value. It...Resource formats:
Ontario First Nations treaty areas
Ministry: Indigenous Affairs
The data identifies First Nation treaties and other agreements, such as land purchases by the Crown. This file was used to create a reference map illustrating the 46 treaties...Resource formats:
Mental Health and Addiction Organization (MHAO) locations
Ministry: Health
Geographic information on the locations of the Mental Health and Addiction Organization. This dataset uses information in the ConnexOntario database to produce directories of...Resource formats:
Lake Ontario Prey Fish Trawl Data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset contains Lake Ontario prey fish abundance and distribution statistics, collected every year during spring and fall bottom trawl surveys. The New York State...Resource formats:
Farm implement dealers, distributors and dealer/distributors in Ontario
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset contains a list of registered farm implement dealers, distributors and dealer/distributors in Ontario. Dealers offer farm implements or replacement parts for sale...Resource formats:
Aquatic ecosystem classification for Ontario (AEC)
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The aquatic ecosystem classification (AEC) is a science-based tool that groups and classifies Ontario’s rivers and streams based on their: physical attributes, such as water...Resource formats:
Ontario deadstock operators and facilities
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get a list of provincially licensed operators that collect, transport, process and dispose of deadstock (dead farm animals) in Ontario. This dataset includes facility type,...Resource formats:
The Acidic Precipitation in Ontario Study (A.P.I.O.S.)
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
The Acidic Precipitation in Ontario Study (A.P.I.O.S.) was established in 1979 by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment to protect the environment from the detrimental effects...Resource formats:
Public health unit boundaries
Ministry: Health
This geospatial dataset contains the geographic boundaries of the 34 Public Health Units (PHUs) in Ontario, based on Statistics Canada’s Health Region Boundary File (2018). A...Resource formats: