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Lake Simcoe Monitoring
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Lake Simcoe lake monitoring program provides measurements of chemical and physical water quality limits such as total phosphorus, nitrogen, chlorophyll a, pH, alkalinity,...Resource formats:
Smog Advisory Statistics (Ambient Air Quality Network)
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The ministry monitors air pollution levels and issues smog advisories when there is strong likelihood that widespread, elevated, and persistent smog levels are expected. This...Resource formats:
Climate data – High Resolution Projections
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ontario-focused high resolution climate information and its application. The data contains the 50th percentile high resolution probabilistic projections of annual averaged...Resource formats:
Soil Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started the Multi-Media Monitoring Study in 2015, in support of Ontario's Pollinator Health Action Plan, to measure...Resource formats:
Stream Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started the Multi-Media Monitoring Study in 2015, in support of Ontario's Pollinator Health Action Plan, to measure...Resource formats:
Pollen Monitoring Network Study
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, with assistance from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, started the Pollen Monitoring Network...Resource formats:
Drinking Water Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started a project to determine the potential levels and occurrence of neonicotinoid insecticides in Ontario source waters...Resource formats:
Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund Recipients
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Recipients of a community fund that issues grants to organizations working to protect and restore the Great Lakes. Organizations could receive a grant up to $25,000 for...Resource formats:
Sediment Chemistry (Great Lakes Nearshore Areas)
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Data is collected each year, according to the lake-by-lake cycle. Information includes: sediment chemistry approximately 80 index and reference stations throughout the Great...Resource formats:
Risk Management Measures Catalogue
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The catalogue provides a means for a user to determine which management measures and management targets are suitable to effectively manage a specific threat to the quality or...Resource formats:
Jackfish Bay Area of Concern in Recovery – Water and Sediment Chemistry
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
In 2017, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks collected water and sediment from the Jackfish Bay ‘Area of Concern in Recovery’ study area, which included...Resource formats:
Caribou Range Boundary
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Shows areas where the health and prevalence of caribou can be linked to the attributes of the land that supports them. Ontario's Woodland Caribou Recovery Strategy (2008)...Resource formats:
Ontario Forest Biomonitoring Network
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ontario Forest Biomonitoring Network (OFBN) monitors the health of mixed hardwood forests across southern and central Ontario. The data set includes: Individual Tree Data:...Resource formats:
“Allowable List” of Pesticides for Cosmetic Use
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The cosmetic use of pesticides is considered a non-essential use. Ontario bans the cosmetic use of pesticides to protect Ontarians from unnecessary risk by only allowing...Resource formats:
Tables of Drinking Water Threats
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
We've made tables that include the 21 drinking water quality threat activities, set out in O. Reg. 287/07, which may pose a risk to a municipal drinking water supply. The...Resource formats:
Water systems that sought regulatory relief due to COVID-19 pandemic
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks allowed temporary system-specific regulatory relief to address challenges posed by the pandemic such as operational...Resource formats:
Lake St Clair Water Quality
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This dataset provides water quality analyses of lake surface samples and river samples collected throughout the ice-free season (May/June to October) from 2016 to 2019 from the...Resource formats:
Ontario Landfills
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This is a listing of approved landfills in Ontario. Here you will find basic information on Ontario’s landfills including: Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) number...Resource formats:
Hamilton Harbour Area of Concern (AOC) Monitoring
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Dataset includes 8 water quality surveys conducted between May and September 2021 at 4 stations in Hamilton Harbour by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and...Resource formats: