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Seniors Active Living Centre locations
Ministry: Seniors and Accessibility
Seniors Active Living Centres, or SALC, offer a range of social, cultural, learning and recreational programs for seniors. SALC information includes the name, address, phone...Resource formats:
Law library usage report
Ministry: Attorney General
Statistics tracking physical library usage and online legal research.Resource formats:
Seniors Active Living Centres Programs in Ontario 2024-25
Ministry: Seniors and Accessibility
Seniors Active Living Centre programs offer social, cultural, learning, and recreational programs for older adults that promote health, well-being and social connections. Browse...Resource formats:
SupportLink statistical reporting
Ministry: Attorney General
The SupportLink program provides support to victims identified at risk for: domestic violence sexual assault and criminal harassment Victims receive safety planning and, if...Resource formats:
Traffic volume
Ministry: Transportation
A detailed listing outlining the 23 year history (1988-2010) of traffic volumes on Provincial Highways (King's, Secondary, Tertiary Roads and the 7000 series highways). The...Resource formats:
Ontario courthouse heritage status
Ministry: Attorney General
A list of Ontario courthouses and their heritage designation status.Resource formats:
Previous Marital Status of Spouses by Age or Age Group
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
This data set contains the age group and previous marital status of the parties to a marriage, by total number of each status. The data is organized by year. The Office of the...Resource formats:
Second Career Program participation
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Demographic data for Second Career clients. Data includes: gender of clients age cohort of clients training institution type (i.e., public college of applied arts and...Resource formats:
Licensed Children’s Residences in Ontario
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
The data lists all Children's Residences licensed by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services as of March 31, 2016 (excluding youth justice facilities). The dataset...Resource formats:
Support services for male survivors of sexual abuse
Ministry: Attorney General
The Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Program provides individual and group counselling and a 24/7 multilingual telephone service. Services are provided by...Resource formats:
Ontario public appointments
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
Dataset includes the location and tenure of appointees and the positions and agencies to which they have been appointed.Resource formats:
Support for victims of crime
Ministry: Attorney General
The Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral Services (VCARS) provide immediate, 24/7, on-site service to victims of crime. With a victim's consent, police will arrange for...Resource formats:
Labour force estimates by immigration
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Education level includes: no degree, certificate or diploma, high school graduate, high school graduate and some post-secondary, post-secondary certificate or diploma (without...Resource formats:
Materials Testing Laboratory
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The lab tests the integrity of hoist ropes used in underground mine shafts to transport workers and move material. This dataset contains aggregated information about the total...Resource formats:
Government official names
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
Bilingual reference lists on the following topics: names and official titles of current ministers and parliamentary assistants official names, including short forms and...Resource formats:
Treasury Board Secretariat Applause awards
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS Applause is an awards program that recognizes employees that have made exceptional and outstanding contributions at Ontario's Treasury Board Secretariat. The data...Resource formats:
Children’s aid society service delivery and efficiency indicator data
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Data linked to service delivery and efficiency indicators organized by children's aid society groupings.Resource formats:
Youth Justice regional offices
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Data includes the locations of the 4 Youth Justice regional offices in the province. Details include: region street address building (if applicable) city postal code latitude...Resource formats:
Ontario courthouse construction year
Ministry: Attorney General
A list of Ontario courthouses and their construction years.Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs Seniors Copayment Program
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on the processing times and enrolled households in the Seniors Co-payment Program. Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs at a Glance Report for...Resource formats: