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Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) locations
Ministry: Health
This table is updated monthly and contains a complete listing of all Community Surgical and Diagnostic Centres licensed under the Integrated Community Health Services Centres...Resource formats:
The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program fair market value valuation table
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset provides standardized compensation rates and premiums for the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP). When livestock or poultry are injured or...Resource formats:
Ontario Business Registry Partner Portal
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
These firms, or intermediaries, are a businesses or individuals that are able to complete transactions in the Ontario Business Registry on your behalf. Types of intermediaries...Resource formats:
Private school contact information
Ministry: Education
Data about private schools in Ontario and overseas. Includes: school name school number credits offered principal name suite PO box street address city province/ country...Resource formats:
New single-source drug submissions under review
Ministry: Health
Information on the status of manufacturers' drug submissions that allows industry stakeholders and the public to track the status of drug submissions through the various...Resource formats:
School board and school authority contact information
Ministry: Education
This data set contains the contact information (name, mailing address, phone number, etc.) for all publicly funded school boards and school authorities in Ontario. Data...Resource formats:
Publicly-funded physiotherapy clinic locations
Ministry: Health
We are investing in physiotherapy, giving 90,000 more seniors and eligible patients access to publicly funded, clinic-based services in more communities across Ontario. The...Resource formats:
Where to buy alcoholic beverages
Ministry: Finance
This dataset shows the location of retailers that are allowed to sell alcoholic beverages in Ontario. It is based on licences issued by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of...Resource formats:
Ontario’s housing supply progress
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This data compares how many new homes have been started towards municipal housing targets for 2031. Data is shown only for municipalities assigned housing targets by the...Resource formats:
Inventory of employer and union relationships in the Collective Agreements e-Library Portal
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Inventory of employer and union relationships in Ontario including employer and union names, collective agreement start and expiry dates, number of employees, labour...Resource formats:
Employment in the public sector
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Information on employment by class of worker for Ontario and Employment Ontario regions.Resource formats:
Gasoline report - Canadian gasoline prices
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
This dataset provides monthly, quarterly and annual average regular or premium unleaded gasoline pump prices, taxes and ex-tax pump prices in Toronto, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, St....Resource formats:
Labour force estimates by immigration
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Education level includes: no degree, certificate or diploma, high school graduate, high school graduate and some post-secondary, post-secondary certificate or diploma (without...Resource formats:
Gasoline report - pump price revenue shares
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
This dataset provides monthly, quarterly and annual average crude oil cost, Ontario gasoline tax, federal excise tax, HST, wholesale margin and retail margin based on Toronto...Resource formats:
Gasoline report - international gasoline prices
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
This dataset provides monthly, quarterly and annual average regular or premium unleaded gasoline pump prices, taxes and ex-tax pump prices in Canada, USA, France, Germany,...Resource formats: