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Employment by class of worker
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Class of worker includes employees (public sector employees and private sector employees) and self-employed, including: self-employed incorporated with paid help; self-employed...Resource formats:
Performance indicators for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Performance indicators are used to measure the implementation of the Growth Plan's policies. They are intended to provide useful information on how growth and development in...Resource formats:
Environmental Compliance Reports
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Every year, the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks publicly releases the Environmental Compliance Report on the Ontario Data Catalogue. In Ontario, all...Resource formats:
Ontario Tree Seed Transfer Policy data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This highly specialized publication (Ontario Tree Seed Transfer Policy data) is available in English only in accordance with Regulation 671/92, which exempts it from translation...Resource formats:
Linear referencing and composite listing - Ontario highways
Ministry: Transportation
This data, also known as the Linear Highway Referencing System (LHRS), is used to locate events along the highway network. Three separate files make up the LHRS dataset: LHRS...Resource formats:
Hazardous Waste Public Information
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This hazardous waste dataset contains spatial information about generators, carriers and receivers of hazardous and liquid industrial waste. Also contains the volumes and...Resource formats:
Vehicle population data
Ministry: Transportation
The data set contains registered vehicle population count by various criteria such as vehicle class, vehicle status, vechicle make, vehicle model, vehicle year, plate class,...Resource formats:
Wage rates by occupation
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Occupations are classified using the three digit National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes. Wages include: average hourly wage rate, average weekly wage rate, median...Resource formats:
Children’s Treatment Centre boundaries
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
There are 21 ministry-funded Children's Treatment Centres across Ontario. These centres provide rehabilitation services to children and youth with moderate or severe...Resource formats:
Ministry of Children and Youth Services regional boundaries
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
On January 13, 2014, the Ministry of Children and Youth Services created a new regional boundary structure. It combined the previous 9 Service Delivery Division regions and 4...Resource formats:
Niagara River Caged Mussel Biomonitoring Program
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Data are contaminants in tissue of caged mussels put in the river for 3 weeks at about 25 stations located on the Canadian and US side of the river. The main objective of the...Resource formats:
GO Train stations
Ministry: Transportation
GO Transit is the regional public transit service for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. For more information regarding GO stations and TTC hubs, please visit Metrolinx. GO...Resource formats:
Health and education official names
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
Bilingual reference lists with the official names of: Ontario hospitals Local Health Integration Networks Family Health Groups, Family Health Networks and Primary Care Networks...Resource formats:
Inland Lakes and Streams – Water Chemistry
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This data set includes information on water quality of lakes and streams across Ontario since 1976. It includes: major anions and cations nutrients chlorophyll metals Data...Resource formats:
Commercial vehicle flows by road network
Ministry: Transportation
Data collected between 2005 to 2007, 3% of sample collected in 2005, 51% in 2006 and 46% in 2007. This dataset contains a compilation of data collected from different sources....Resource formats:
Labour force estimates by occupational skill level
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Data includes management and unclassified skills levels.Resource formats:
Ontario Energy Report Supporting Data
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
These datasets contain information about oil, gas and electricity in Ontario. Specifically, this information includes but is not limited to fuel and electricity prices, energy...Resource formats:
Youth Justice Services regional boundaries
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
From April 1, 2004 to Jan 12, 2014, Ministry of Children and Youth Services used the following regions: Eastern Central Western Northern These 4 Youth Justice Services...Resource formats:
Border crossings
Ministry: Transportation
Border crossings are a feature included on the Official Road Map of Ontario (ORM) for information purposes to the travelling public. Included are highway-land and ferry...Resource formats:
Labour force estimates by education
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The age groups available in the data set are: 15+,15-24,25-54,25+,25-64,25-34,55+ and 55-64. The education levels include: 0-8 years, some high school, high school, some...Resource formats: