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1978 Forest Resource Inventory, Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry, Kemptville District
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data layer contains individual forest stand level information for the Kemptville District, including: working group (meaning a grouping of stands with the same...Resource formats:
1991 Enhanced Forest Resource Inventories for Lanark County and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data layer contains individual forest stand level information, including: working group (meaning a grouping of stands with the same predominant species composition. They...Resource formats:
1:250 000 scale bedrock geology of Ontario
Ministry: Mines
A 1:250 000 scale map of the bedrock geology of Ontario. This seamless GIS dataset includes such themes as bedrock units, major faults, dike swarms, iron formations and...Resource formats:
2006 Commercial Vehicle Survey: equivalent single axle load
Ministry: Transportation
Equivalent Single Axle Loadings (ESAL) are derived from the axle weight measurements from the 2006 Ontario Commercial Vehicle Survey data. All values are factored up to...Resource formats:
2006 Commercial Vehicle Survey: origin and destination
Ministry: Transportation
General guidelines The dataset contains trip origin, destination, commodity group, average daily trips, commodity weight and value. The data represents activity by medium and...Resource formats:
2006 Commercial Vehicle Survey: traffic volumes at survey stations
Ministry: Transportation
The dataset contains average hourly truck and auto volumes for one week. The data is based on traffic counts collected over a two week period during the Commercial Vehicle...Resource formats:
2014 Aerial Oblique Imagery Shoreline of Lake Simcoe
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This oblique aerial imagery covers the main shoreline of Lake Simcoe and four of its islands (Georgina, Thorah, Fox and Snake). Taiga Air Services Ltd. acquired the imagery...Resource formats:
2014 Aerial Oblique Imagery Shoreline of Southeastern Georgian Bay
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This oblique aerial imagery covers the shoreline of southeastern Georgian Bay, from approximately Port Severn to a point a few kilometres west of the Simcoe/Grey County line....Resource formats:
Abandoned airports
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This layer is derived from data provided by Nav Canada. This layer should not be used for navigation purposes. Official GEO title: Airport OtherResource formats:
Abandoned Mines information
Ministry: Mines
The Abandoned Mines information system (AMIS) is a database containing information on known abandoned mine sites and mine hazard features located on both Crown and privately...Resource formats:
Accountability for Community Advisory Boards
Ministry: Solicitor General
Find expense information for Correctional Services’ Community Advisory Boards.Resource formats:
Accountability for the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council
Ministry: Solicitor General
Find governance information for the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council.Resource formats:
Active co-operatives in Ontario
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
Use this directory to find information about active Co-Operative Corporations, including the name, co-op type and address. Co-operatives are member owned and controlled...Resource formats:
Admissions to the Youth Justice System: admission type
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
This data represents youth admissions to custody and detention facilities and community-based programs and services. The data is organized by: fiscal year region (according to...Resource formats:
Admissions to the Youth Justice System: Most Serious Offence
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
This data represents youth admissions to custody and detention facilities and community sentences. Where there are multiple offences, the most serious offence is recorded. The...Resource formats:
Adoption homestudies and homestudy waiting lists
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
The adoption homestudies data shows the number of homestudies completed during the fiscal year inclusive of those withdrawn, rejected and approved, conducted by a children's...Resource formats:
Adoption openness arrangements
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Data shows number of: adopted children with and without access orders before adoption applications for openness orders people receiving a notice of the right to apply for an...Resource formats:
Adoption Practitioners
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Contact information for adoption practitioners who are approved to conduct homestudies and supervise adoption placements.Resource formats:
Adult Inmate Profile
Ministry: Solicitor General
The Inmate Profile datasets contain information about all individuals incarcerated in a provincial adult correctional institution in Ontario for any duration in the reporting...Resource formats:
Adult non-credit second language program grants
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
The program provides funding to school boards for adult English as a Second Language and French as a Second Language training to newcomers. Data includes a listing of the...Resource formats: