Cases reported in 2022


This data is no longer available on this page. Information about COVID-19, and other respiratory viruses, is available through Public Health Ontario’s “Ontario Respiratory Virus Tool".

Due to changes in data availability, the following variables will be removed from this file, effective Thursday April 13, 2023: ‘Case_AcquisitionInfo’, ‘Outbreak_Related’. Also due to changes in data availability, the variable ‘Outcome1’ will be equal to ‘Fatal’ (deaths due to COVID-19) or blank (all other cases)

As of June 16, all COVID-19 datasets will be updated weekly on Thursdays by 2pm.

This dataset compiles daily snapshots of publicly reported data on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in Ontario.

Learn how the Government of Ontario is helping to keep Ontarians safe during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak.

Data includes:

  • approximation of onset date
  • age group
  • patient gender
  • case acquisition information
  • patient outcome
  • reporting Public Health Unit (PHU)
  • postal code, website, longitude, and latitude of PHU

This dataset is subject to change. Please review the daily epidemiologic summaries for information on variables, methodology, and technical considerations.

The methodology used to count COVID-19 deaths has changed to exclude deaths not caused by COVID. This impacts data captured in the column ‘‘Outcome1’ starting with data posted to the catalogue on March 11, 2022.

On November 30, 2023 the count of COVID-19 deaths was updated to include missing historical deaths from January 15, 2020 to March 31, 2023. This impacts data captured in the column ‘Outcome1’.

CCM is a dynamic disease reporting system which allows ongoing update to data previously entered. As a result, data extracted from CCM represents a snapshot at the time of extraction and may differ from previous or subsequent results. Public Health Units continually clean up COVID-19 data, correcting for missing or overcounted cases and deaths. These corrections can result in data spikes and current totals being different from previously reported cases and deaths. Observed trends over time should be interpreted with caution for the most recent period due to reporting and/or data entry lags.

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Additional information

Last updated
June 6, 2024
August 8, 2022
File size
148.3 MiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Cases reported in 2022
Data range start
January 1, 2022
Data range end
November 30, 2022

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