Death registrations in Ontario (by residence)


This dataset provides total number of death registrations by the primary residence of the deceased (municipality).

For privacy purposes, only regulation counts greater than 5 are available.

Data released for 2023 and 2024 (January to June) is preliminary and may not match counts from other sources. The data represents counts in the reference calendar quarters, which are collated approximately 90 days after the end of the quarter. Previously released counts for 2023 and 2024 (January to June) are updated to reflect vital event registrations completed after the release of the initial report. Each subsequent quarterly report is the cumulative total of the preceding quarterly reports.

ServiceOntario’s ability to provide timely information depends on receiving vital event registration information from a variety of sources. The preliminary data presented may not represent all the events that occurred in the reporting period. This is particularly true for events that occurred near the end of the reporting period as they may not have been received by ServiceOntario by the time the data is collated.

Final counts for the reporting year will be released with the publication of the Office of the Registrar General Annual Report. The Vital Statistics Act requires that after the end of each calendar year, the Registrar General publish a report that includes the number of births, marriages, deaths, still-births, adoptions and changes of name registered during the calendar year preceding the one that has ended.

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Data dictionary

Column Type Description
Year/Année Text
Month/Mois Text
Municipality/Municipalité Text
Totals / Totaux Text

Additional information

Last updated
October 25, 2024
May 21, 2020
File size
2.7 MiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Death registrations in Ontario (by residence)
Data made public date
May 21, 2020
Data range start
January 1, 1980
Data range end
June 30, 2024

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