Diabetes Education Program for children

URL: https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/e4764669-bbe8-43e3-8b69-b75f080a946a/resource/05fe452b-7ce2-4ac0-b348-3ff68111f264/download/moh-diabetes-education-programs-children-en-utf8-2022-04-28.csv

Find a Diabetes Education Program (DEP) for adults or children.

The DEP consists of a team of health professionals, including a physician and/or nurse practitioner, who will determine whether an insulin pump is appropriate for you.

If you have diabetes, you can get help paying for insulin pumps and some diabetes supplies when you qualify for the Assistive Devices Program.

For more information, see: Insulin pumps and diabetes supplies

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Last updated
April 28, 2022
September 11, 2023
File size
2.4 KiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Diabetes Education Program for children
Data made public date
December 7, 2016

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