Critical injuries


The numbers reflect incidents that were reported to and tracked by the Ministry of Labour. They exclude death from natural causes, death of non- workers at a workplace, suicides, death as a result of a criminal act or traffic accident (unless the OHSA is also implicated) and death from occupational exposures that occurred in the past.

Data from the Ministry of Labour reflects Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Employment Standards (ES) information at a point in time and/or for specific reporting purposes. As a result, the information above may not align with other data sources.

Notes on critical injuries :

For the purposes of the data provided, a critical injury of a serious nature includes injuries that:

  1. "Place life in jeopardy"
  2. "Produce unconsciousness"
  3. "Result in substantial loss of blood"
  4. "Involve the fracture of a leg or arm but not a finger or toe"
  5. "Involve the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot but not a finger or toe"
  6. "Consist of burns to a major portion of the body"
  7. "Cause the loss of sight

Only critical injury events reported to the ministry are included here. This represents data that was reported to the ministry and may not represent what actually occurred at the workplace. The critical injury numbers represent critical injuries reported to the ministry and not necessarily critical injuries as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Non- workers who are critically injured may also be included in the ministry's data. Critical injuries data is presented by calendar year to be consistent with Workplace Safety and Insurance Board harmonized data;

Data is reported based on calendar year

Individual data for the Health Care program is available for Jan. 1 to Mar. 31, 2011 only. From April 2011 onwards Health Care data is included in the Industrial Health and Safety numbers.

Notes on Fatalities :

Only events reported to the ministry are included here. The ministry tracks and reports fatalities at workplaces covered by the OHSA. This excludes death from natural causes, death of non-workers at a workplace, suicides, death as a result of a criminal act or traffic accident (unless the OHSA is also implicated) and death from occupational exposures that occurred many years ago. Fatalities data is presented by calendar year to be consistent with Workplace Safety and Insurance Board harmonized data. Fatality data is reported by year of event.

[OHSA]: Occupational Health and Safety Act [Mar.]: March *[Jan.]: January

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Data dictionary

Column Type Description
Calendar Year Numeric
Construction Health and Safety Program Numeric
Industrial Health and Safety Program Numeric
Health Care Program Numeric
Mining Health and Safety Program Numeric
Program Unassigned Numeric
Total Numeric

Additional information

Last updated
July 16, 2024
December 31, 2019
File size
508 B
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Critical injuries
Data range start
January 1, 2011
Data range end
December 31, 2023

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