(For Ages 65 to 74) Single Pensioner Valid data

URL: https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/9ae4eb3f-8b65-47f5-98be-57f536db9ac7/resource/37a6f619-e4c3-4f6b-94d5-b3ace7028dd7/download/gains_rate_tables_65-74_jan_1_to_mar_31_2025-single.csv

If you’re a senior with low income, you may qualify for monthly Guaranteed Annual Income System payments.

Maximum payment and allowable private income amounts:

The guaranteed income levels for July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 are:

  • $87 monthly for single seniors (maximum monthly payment amount), your annual private income must be less than $4,176
  • $174 monthly for senior couples (maximum monthly payment amount), your annual private income must be less than $8,352

The data is organized by private income levels. GAINS payments are provided on top of the Old Age Security (OAS) pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) payments you may receive from the federal government.

Learn more about the Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System

This data is related to The Retirement Income System in Canada

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Data dictionary

Column Type Description
Annual Income Private (min.) /Revenu privé annuel (min.) Numeric

This column indicates the minimum annual private income dollar amount, within a set range, for a single pensioner age 65 to 74.

Annual Income Private (max.) /Revenu privé annuel (max.) Numeric

This column indicates the maximum annual private income dollar amount, within a set range, for a single pensioner age 65 to 74.

GAINS / RRAG Numeric

This column indicates the monthly Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) dollar amount for a single pensioner age 65 to 74.

Total OAS/GIS /SV/SRG total Numeric

This column indicates the total Old Age Security (OAS) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) dollar amount for a pensioner age 65 to 74.

OAS / SV Numeric

This column indicates the Old Age Security (OAS) dollar amount for a pensioner age 65 to 74.

GIS / SRG Numeric

This column indicates the Guaranteed Income Suppliment (GIS) dollar amount for a pensioner age 65 to 74.

Total Monthly Income (min.) /Revenu mensuel total (min.) Numeric

This column indicates the total minimum monthly income dollar amount, within a set range, for a pensioner age 65 to 74.

Total Monthly Income (max.) /Revenu mensuel total (max.) Numeric

This column indicates the total maximum monthly income dollar amount, within a set range, for a pensioner age 65 to 74.

Monthly Income Private (min.) /Revenu privé mensuel (min.) Numeric

This column indicates the minimum monthly private income dollar amount, within a set range, for a pensioner age 65 to 74.

Monthly Income Private (max.) /Revenu privé mensuel (max.) Numeric

This column indicates the maximum monthly private income dollar amount, within a set range, for a pensioner age 65 to 74.

Additional information

Last updated
January 1, 2025
January 2, 2025
File size
76 KiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
(For Ages 65 to 74) Single Pensioner
English and French
Data made public date
January 1, 2025
Data range start
January 1, 2025
Data range end
March 31, 2025
Validation status
Validation timestamp

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