Ontario’s housing supply: January – July 2024

URL: https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/77ac513f-a65a-4cf0-b889-31be6ddb6f46/resource/ee55f3dd-7794-4d09-8b0f-ea0d3aed53bb/download/offre_de_logements_en_ontario_janvier_juillet_2024_1.csv

This data compares how many new homes have been started towards municipal housing targets for 2031.


  • municipality name
  • 10-year housing targets (2021-2031)
  • number of new home construction starts since January 2022
  • additional residential units (ARUs) added to existing homes
  • beds added and upgraded in long-term care homes

Not included:

  • student housing

Data is shown only for municipalities assigned housing targets by the provincial government.

Learn more about Ontario’s progress towards building at least 1.5 million homes

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Last updated
September 13, 2024
August 15, 2023
File size
2.4 KiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Ontario’s housing supply: January – July 2024
Data made public date
August 18, 2023
Data range start
January 1, 2024
Data range end
July 30, 2024

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