Data dictionary


The dataset highlights key OPS workforce demographics extracted from the OPS payroll reporting system (WIN), including:

  • OPS size
  • Age and tenure
  • Annual sick leave credit usage
  • OPS salaries
  • OPS compensation data by gender

A data dictionary is included to define all workforce demographics, metrics and limitations.

This data has been released due to the demand expressed through a public vote to determine which datasets the Government of Ontario should publish. This was the fourth most voted on dataset out of a pool of approximately 1000 entries.

The Data in this report is as of March 31, 2021, unless otherwise indicated.

[WIN]: Workforce Information Network [OPS]: Ontario Public Service

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Additional information

Last updated
September 20, 2019
December 31, 2019
File size
unknown size
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Data dictionary
Data Dictionary
Data range start
March 31, 2015
Data range end
March 31, 2019

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