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Analysis of Regional Wood Supply
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Analysis of Regional Wood Supply (ARWoodS) data is updated annually to incorporate changes to wood supply, projected wood supply use, and planned and actual harvest levels....Resource formats:
Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) datasets report on ambient (baseline) groundwater level and chemistry conditions. Groundwater monitoring mapResource formats:
Hazardous Waste Public Information
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This hazardous waste dataset contains spatial information about generators, carriers and receivers of hazardous and liquid industrial waste. Also contains the volumes and...Resource formats:
Drinking Water Surveillance Program
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Drinking Water Surveillance Program (DWSP) monitors water quality at selected municipal drinking water systems for scientific and research purposes. DWSP is a voluntary...Resource formats:
Black and white aerial forestry photo collection database
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
A database of geospatial coordinates that represent points of reference for photos that are held in the Archives' of Ontario's collection. The photos themselves are not...Resource formats: