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Personal income tax rates and credits
Ministry: Finance
Personal income tax is collected annually from Ontario residents and those who earned income in the province. The tax is calculated separately from federal income tax. There are...Resource formats:
Ontario top baby names (male)
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
The first names from births registered in Ontario from 1917 to 2023. Counts of fewer than 5 names were suppressed for privacy. Related Ontario top baby names (female)Resource formats:
Ontario top baby names (female)
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
The first names from births registered in Ontario from 1913 to 2023. Counts of fewer than 5 names were suppressed for privacy. Related Ontario top baby names (male)Resource formats:
Population projections
Ministry: Finance
Annual population projections, from 2023 to 2051. These datasets include population projections by age and gender organized by geography: Projections for Ontario Projections...Resource formats:
Ontario consumer price index
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
The Consumer Price Index measures changes in the cost of selected food items over time like: food purchased from stores fresh or frozen beef fresh or frozen pork fresh or...Resource formats:
Tax credits and benefits – inflation adjustment
Ministry: Finance
The data includes the following information for various tax credits and benefits: maximum amounts income ranges phase-out rates Each year the maximum amounts and income ranges...Resource formats:
Municipal financial information
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The Financial Information Return captures detailed financial data from municipalities. This includes data on revenue (including taxation) expenses (for both operating and...Resource formats:
Archives of Ontario photographs and maps
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
This dataset contains technical and descriptive metadata about digitized images, including: creator format type (e.g. black and white print, map) date of creation archival...Resource formats:
OPS workforce demographics
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
The dataset highlights key OPS workforce demographics extracted from the OPS payroll reporting system (WIN), including: OPS size Age and tenure Annual sick leave credit usage...Resource formats:
Select Licence and Registration Data
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
The datasets include the following: Businesses - License Types: Collection Agency Consumer Reporting Agency Distributor (Area: Province of Ontario) Lender Loan Broker Bailiff...Resource formats:
Capital grants to colleges and universities
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
Data about the grants provided by the Postsecondary Education Division at the The Ministry of Colleges and Universities. The grants are issued to colleges of applied arts and...Resource formats:
Public Accounts: Detailed Schedule of Payments
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
(Formerly Public Accounts: Volume 3) The Public Accounts of Ontario is a major accountability document which presents the financial statements of the Province. This dataset...Resource formats:
Public Accounts: Ministry Statements and Schedules
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
(Formerly Public Accounts: Volume 1) The Public Accounts of Ontario is a major accountability document which presents the financial statements of the Province. This dataset...Resource formats:
Marriage registrations in Ontario (by location)
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
For privacy purposes, only registration counts greater than 5 are available.Resource formats:
Federal funding for housing and homelessness
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The amount of federal funding provided to Ontario and its communities for housing and homelessness programs. Funds are itemized by program. The federal government provides...Resource formats:
Consulting Services Contracts
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
This data represents government ministries consulting services contracts related to management, information technology, technical, research and development, policy and...Resource formats:
Birth registrations in Ontario (by residence)
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
For privacy purposes, only registration counts greater than 5 are available. Data was not collected before 1979. Related Birth registrations in Ontario (by location)Resource formats:
Archives of Ontario customer service statistics
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
A collection of customer service statistics including number of telephone inquiries, correspondence, visitors etc. Related Archives of Ontario Tours and Speakers BureauResource formats:
Financial Data: Ontario Provincial Police budget
Ministry: Solicitor General
This database includes information on operating expenditures by command and cost of salaries and benefits by command.Resource formats:
Archives Descriptive Guide
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
This dataset lists Government of Ontario agencies, people, and private sector organizations that have created archival records. It provides descriptions of the records and their...Resource formats: