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Wages rates by industry
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Data includes aggregated North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industries for both goods-producing and service-producing sectors. Wages include: average hourly...Resource formats:
Wages of employees
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The age groups available in the dataset are: 15+, 15-24, 20-34, 25+, 25-34, 25-54, 25-64 and 55+. The education levels include: 0-8 yrs., some high school, high school...Resource formats:
Wage rates by occupation
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Occupations are classified using the three digit National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes. Wages include: average hourly wage rate, average weekly wage rate, median...Resource formats:
Vehicle population data
Ministry: Transportation
The data set contains registered vehicle population count by various criteria such as vehicle class, vehicle status, vechicle make, vehicle model, vehicle year, plate class,...Resource formats:
School board financial reports (estimates, revised estimates and financial statements)
Ministry: Education
Includes financial data of school boards including revenues (e.g. ministry grants, grants from other ministries, education property taxes) and expenses (e.g. classroom...Resource formats:
Quick Facts: Ontario Schools
Ministry: Education
An overview of provincial level data about Ontario’s education system. Includes provincial level data on: the number of schools student enrolment French language programs...Resource formats:
Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) datasets report on ambient (baseline) groundwater level and chemistry conditions. Groundwater monitoring mapResource formats:
Part-time employment
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The age groups available in the data set are: 15+, 15-64, 15-19, 20-24, 25-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65+.Resource formats:
Ontario Road Safety Annual Report (ORSAR)
Ministry: Transportation
Under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA), the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is required to report annually on motor vehicle collision statistics. The Ontario Road Safety Annual...Resource formats:
Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Get data describing benthic-invertebrate (bottom dwelling aquatic invertebrates) community structure and habitat conditions in various waterbodies. This dataset includes:...Resource formats:
Labour force estimates for full and part time students
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The age groups available in the data set are: 15-17, 15-19, 20-24, 15-24, 15-29, 15-44, 18-24, 18-44, 19-22, 25-29, 30-34, 25-34 and all individual ages between 15 and 44.Resource formats:
Inland Lakes and Streams – Water Chemistry
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This data set includes information on water quality of lakes and streams across Ontario since 1976. It includes: major anions and cations nutrients chlorophyll metals Data...Resource formats:
Inland Lakes and Streams – Physical Conditions
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This data set includes information on sampling locations and physical conditions in lakes and streams across Ontario. It also includes meteorological conditions from monitoring...Resource formats:
Hazardous Waste Public Information
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This hazardous waste dataset contains spatial information about generators, carriers and receivers of hazardous and liquid industrial waste. Also contains the volumes and...Resource formats:
Environmental Compliance Reports
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Every year, the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks publicly releases the Environmental Compliance Report on the Ontario Data Catalogue. In Ontario, all...Resource formats:
Employment by class of worker
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Class of worker includes employees (public sector employees and private sector employees) and self-employed, including: self-employed incorporated with paid help; self-employed...Resource formats:
Driver population statistics
Ministry: Transportation
The driver population statistics consists of 3 sets of data files. 1. Active driver count This data includes: license class including composite class and airbrake endorsement...Resource formats:
Drinking Water Surveillance Program
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Drinking Water Surveillance Program (DWSP) monitors water quality at selected municipal drinking water systems for scientific and research purposes. DWSP is a voluntary...Resource formats:
Drinking Water Quality and Enforcement
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ontario has a comprehensive set of measures and regulations to help ensure the safety of drinking water. The following dataset contains information about the drinking water...Resource formats:
Black and white aerial forestry photo collection database
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
A database of geospatial coordinates that represent points of reference for photos that are held in the Archives' of Ontario's collection. The photos themselves are not...Resource formats: