Data Valid data


Cette liste vous permet d'identifier les personnes que le ministere des Finances autorise a vendre et distribuer des produits du tabac.

Les personnes inscrites sur cette liste detiennent un certificat d'inscription valide, un permis ou une designation.

Au sujet de la taxe sur le tabac

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Dictionnaire de données

Colonne Type Description
Registrant's Name Text

This column is the name of a registrant authorized to sell and distribute tobacco products.

Address Text

Address of registrant's location where tobacco products are sold and distributed.

City Text

City of registrant's location where tobacco products are sold and distributed.

Province/State Text

Province or state of registrant's location where tobacco products are sold and distributed.

Postal/Zip Code Text

Postal or zip code of registrant's location where tobacco products are sold and distributed.

Country Text

Country of registrant's location where tobacco products are sold and distributed.

Wholesaler's Permit Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds a wholesaler's permit.

Tobacco Tax Collector Designation Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds a tobacco tax collector designation.

Cigar Tax Collector Designation Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds a cigar tax collector designation.

Permit to Purchase and Sell Unmarked Cigarettes Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds a permit to purchase and sell unmarked cigarettes.

Permit to Purchase and Sell Unmarked Fine Cut Tobacco Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds a permit to purchase and sell unmarked fine cut tobacco.

Manufacturer Registration Certificate Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds a manufacturer registration certificate.

Importer Registration Certificate Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds an importer registration certificate.

Exporter Registration Certificate Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds an exporter registration certificate.

Permit to Mark Cigarettes Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds a permit to mark cigarettes.

Permit to Mark Fine Cut Tobacco Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds a permit to mark fine cut tobacco.

Interjurisdictional Transporter Registration Certificate Text

This column identifies whether the registrant holds an interjurisdictional transport registration certifivate.

Date Modified Date

The date the registrant’s details were last revised.

Informations additionnelles

Dernière modification
11 février 2025
Créé le
31 décembre 2019
Taille du fichier
22,2 Kio
Licence du gouvernement ouvert – Ontario
Les données
La langue
Validation status
Validation timestamp

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