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Restricted Fire Zone
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Get data on areas where outdoor fires are not permitted. This dataset shows areas where outdoor fires are restricted in accordance with the Forest Fires Prevention Act. There...Resource formats:
Annual forest fire reporting data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Get data on forest fires, compiled annually for the National Forestry Database The National Forestry Database includes national forest data and forest management statistics to...Resource formats:
Historical Fire Management Zone
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset shows the boundaries of the province's six fire management zones that existed prior to 2014 in which most forest fires received the same type of response. These...Resource formats:
Fire, aviation and emergency facilities
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Facilities used by MNR's Aviation Forest Fire and Emergency Services branch. This dataset is used to support aviation forest fire and AFFES business operations. [MNR]:...Resource formats:
Fire Response Plan Area
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Get data on fire response plan area boundaries and recommended response types for wildfires. This dataset shows the boundaries of fire response plan areas and provides the...Resource formats:
Fire management agreement area
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Fire management agreements divide land into 4 areas: Crown Protection Area (CPA): The Crown is responsible for responding to all fires in the CPA Municipal Protection Area...Resource formats:
Fire Disturbance Point
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset shows the locations of ignition points for forest fires less than 40 hectares in size. Fires that grow larger than 40 hectares are mapped in the Fire Disturbance...Resource formats:
Fire Disturbance Area
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
A Fire Disturbance Area represents the mapped exterior perimeter of a forest fire. Mapping is derived from a variety of sources, such as GPS points and digitized paper maps....Resource formats:
Fire - potential hazardous forest types for wildland fire
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Hazardous forest types for wildland fire means forest types assessed as being associated with the risk of high to extreme wildland fire. This data is intended to help inform...Resource formats:
Emergency Management historical events
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Most of these events involved community evacuations, significant structural loss and/or involvement of a Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Emergency Response Officer. Events...Resource formats:
Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) locations
Ministry: Health
This table is updated monthly and contains a complete listing of all Community Surgical and Diagnostic Centres licensed under the Integrated Community Health Services Centres...Resource formats:
Metadata Management Tool (MMT) records archive
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Information summarizing metadata records that were part of Land Information Ontario's (LIO's) Metadata Management Tool. This table represents metadata records which...Resource formats:
Geographic Township Improved
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
A Township is a land subdivision in Ontario. This information was captured through the Ontario Base Mapping Program, is maintained by the Ministry of Natural Resources and...Resource formats:
Greater Toronto Area digital elevation model 2002
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data is organized into 20km x 20km tiles with a spatial resolution of 5m. This data is intended to be used for pre-engineering survey and...Resource formats:
Natural heritage system areas
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset shows the boundaries of systems of natural heritage features and areas, lands and waters that support connectivity and have significant ecological value. It...Resource formats:
Aquatic resource area line segment
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This spatial dataset represents the locations of aquatic resource area (ARA) line segments derived from corresponding line features in the Ontario Hydro Network. ARA line...Resource formats:
Aquatic resource area polygon segment
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This spatial dataset represents the locations of aquatic resource area (ARA) polygon segments derived from corresponding polygon features in the Ontario Hydro Network. ARA...Resource formats:
Aquatic resource area survey point
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This spatial dataset represents the locations of aquatic resource area (ARA) survey points. ARA survey points may represent a portion of a water body or an entire water body...Resource formats:
Abandoned airports
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This layer is derived from data provided by Nav Canada. This layer should not be used for navigation purposes. Official GEO title: Airport OtherResource formats:
Official airports
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This layer is derived from data provided from Nav Canada. Where possible, it is spatially aligned with Ontario land parcel layers. Data is continually updated. This layer should...Resource formats: