Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) locations

This table is updated monthly and contains a complete listing of all Community Surgical and Diagnostic Centres licensed under the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023.

Listed information for each centre will include:

  • Address and contact information
  • OHIP insured services offered
  • Date and results of the most recent quality assurance inspection

The centres may also provide other services that are not covered by OHIP and will not be found in this list.

Ministry contact:

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Geography Breakdown
Author Email
Maintainer branch
Health Insurance Branch
Last Validated Date
July 15, 2024
Update frequency

Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) locations

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Date range: October 1 - 31, 2023

  • CSV
    Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) Listing English [202 KiB]

    Last Updated: July 15, 2024

    This table is updated monthly and contains a complete listing of all...

  • CSV
    Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) Listing French [225 KiB]

    Last Updated: July 15, 2024

    This table is updated monthly and contains a complete listing of all...


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