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Building Materials Evaluation Commission members travel expenses
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Information on the travel, meal and accommodation expenses incurred and claimed by Building Materials Evaluation Commission (BMEC) appointees on a quarterly basis.Resource formats:
Building Code Commission members travel expenses
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Information on the travel, meal and accommodation expenses incurred and claimed by Building Code Commission (BCC) appointees on a quarterly basis.Resource formats:
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Data is based on the latest information provided to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Includes: municipality name municipal status geographic areaResource formats:
Ontario’s housing supply progress
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This data compares how many new homes have been started towards municipal housing targets for 2031. Data is shown only for municipalities assigned housing targets by the...Resource formats:
Affordable Residential Units for the Purposes of the Development Charges Act, 1997 Bulletin
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The data in this bulletin sets out the market-based (i.e., average purchase prices and market rents) and income-based thresholds that are to be used to determine the eligibility...Resource formats:
Municipal election results
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset contains Municipal post-election data, including (but not limited to): number of voters, voter turnout (%), alternative voting methods and other municipal election...Resource formats:
Municipal Performance Measurement Program
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The Municipal Performance Measurement Program collects municipal services data on an annual basis as a part of the Financial Information Return. The data measures performance...Resource formats:
Greenbelt Plan mapping
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Geographic Information System (GIS) data with the following mapping layers from the Greenbelt Plan: outer boundaries protected countryside and urban river valley designations...Resource formats:
Greenbelt designations
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This data shows the component parts of the Greenbelt Area as set out in the Greenbelt Act, 2005. There are currently four designations: Niagara Escarpment Plan Oak Ridges...Resource formats:
Greenbelt outer boundary
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
To identify the Greenbelt Area as defined by the Greenbelt Act, 2005. The outer boundaries of Greenbelt area includes the lands within: Niagara Escarpment Plan Oak Ridges...Resource formats:
Municipal financial information
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The Financial Information Return captures detailed financial data from municipalities. This includes data on revenue (including taxation) expenses (for both operating and...Resource formats:
Funding amounts by municipality
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
To ensure investments are targeted to where they are needed most, funding is allocated based on: the number of households in a municipality whether the municipality is urban or...Resource formats:
List of service managers
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
There are 47 service managers across Ontario that can help you find housing options in your area. Use the list below to get contact information for your municipality or district.Resource formats:
Planning Act approval authority: municipalities and planning boards
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Find your planning approval authority. Municipalities create official plans that set out general planning goals and policies to guide future land use. They also pass zoning...Resource formats:
Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan mapping
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The data contains the following mapping layers from the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan: Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan outer boundary Oak Ridges Moraine...Resource formats:
Greenbelt river valley connections
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The purpose of this dataset is to identify the location of river valley connections.Resource formats:
Greenbelt specialty crop areas
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
The locations of the 2 specialty crop areas in the Greenbelt Plan: the Holland Marsh Niagara Peninsula Tender Fruit and Grape LandsResource formats:
Greenbelt towns and villages
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
General information on the location of towns and villages (settlement areas) in the countryside areas protected by Greenbelt plan. For precise boundaries and locations of...Resource formats:
Greenbelt hamlets
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Hamlets are smaller settlement areas identified in municipal official plans, generally without municipal water and sewer servicing. For precise boundaries and locations of...Resource formats:
Municipal Client Satisfaction Survey Results
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset measures satisfaction with the services provided to municipalities through MMAH's regional offices. Dataset includes the following information (where available)...Resource formats: