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Standardized Precipitation Index
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was generated for certain Environment Canada long-term climate stations in Ontario. The SPI quantifies the precipitation deficit and...Resource formats:
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
A tank is an above ground container that holds either petroleum or water. This data is no longer being updated. It is best suited for historical research and analysis.Resource formats:
Transport Line
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset contains manmade linear features in a transportation network, such as bridges and railway tunnels. It does not include roads. The linear features included are:...Resource formats:
Transport Point
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset consists of man-made point features in a transportation network. Transport point features include: Culvert Railway Symbolized - a enclosed drain under a railway...Resource formats:
Miscellaneous Point
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset contains miscellaneous point features including: mine head frames cadastral iron bar (a type of survey monument) historical monuments horizontal control monuments...Resource formats:
Miscellaneous line
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The dataset represents prominent linear (man-made or natural) features including: cliffs dykes fences walls hedgerows feature outlines racetrack centre lines racetrack...Resource formats:
Historic bathymetry maps
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Bathymetry is the measurement of water depth in lakes. From the 1940s to the 1990s, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry produced bathymetry maps for over 11,000 lakes...Resource formats:
Beaver Dam
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset contains linear features constructed by beavers. The linear features are captured to scale on: single line rivers lakes double line rivers We are no longer...Resource formats:
Agreement Forest Area
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
An Agreement Forest Area is a polygon feature that identifies an area of forested private land governed by a Forest Management Agreement. Private companies have agreed, through...Resource formats:
- dBase
Aquatic Landscape Inventory System
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This historic dataset delineates valley segments based on a number of different natural features. The data applies to valley segments on the Ontario side of the Great Lakes....Resource formats: