Transport Point

This dataset consists of man-made point features in a transportation network.

Transport point features include:

  • Culvert Railway Symbolized - a enclosed drain under a railway
  • Culvert Roadway Symbolized - an enclosed drain under a roadway
  • Turntable Railway - a rotatable platform with a track, used to turn locomotives and cars

We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis.

Ministry contact: Provincial Mapping Unit

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Provincial Mapping Unit
Maintainer branch
Mapping and Information Resources Branch
Last Validated Date
June 7, 2021
Update frequency

Transport Point

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Supporting Files

  • Other
    Access to Transport Point

    Last Updated: December 21, 1999

  • Other
    Accéder à la page Éléments de transport

    Last Updated: December 21, 1999


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