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Treasury Board Secretariat lease database
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Labour force statistics for apprenticeable occupations
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Apprenticeship weekly earnings
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Performance data on Employment Ontario (EO) contact centres
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Employment Ontario contact centres
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Beef grading statistics
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Fair market values for major Ontario commodities
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Growing Forward 2 (GF2) projects
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Inspection of Ontario licensed livestock medicines outlet
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Meat inspector certification times
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Slaughter Statistics from provincially licensed facilities
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Tracking of emergency pesticide use
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review