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Regional Development Advisors
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
List of all Tourism and Community Regional Development Advisors within Ontario.Resource formats:
Ontario Wood products
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Search for sustainable, locally crafted Ontario Wood products. For more information, see: Find Ontario Wood productsResource formats:
Tobacco tax registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list allows you to identify persons authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute tobacco products. Registrants on this list hold a valid registration...Resource formats:
Registered marriage officiants
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
Registered marriage officiants in Ontario. The dataset includes: first name, last name and location of the marriage officiant affiliation a date stamp at the end indicating the...Resource formats:
Adoption Practitioners
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Contact information for adoption practitioners who are approved to conduct homestudies and supervise adoption placements.Resource formats:
Adult Inmate Profile
Ministry: Solicitor General
The Inmate Profile datasets contain information about all individuals incarcerated in a provincial adult correctional institution in Ontario for any duration in the reporting...Resource formats:
Social Assistance Caseloads
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Data prior to April 1998 includes recipients of: general welfare assistance family benefits foster care handicapped children benefits Data from April 1, 1998 onward includes...Resource formats:
Sudbury Area Reference Lakes Water Quality
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Water chemistry data with geographic coordinates from lakes primarily in the Sudbury area of Ontario since 1981. Several lakes spread throughout the Sudbury acid rain damage...Resource formats:
Electric Vehicles in Ontario – By Forward Sortation Area
Ministry: Transportation
This dataset details the total number of electric vehicles (EVs) in Ontario. This includes both battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)....Resource formats:
Species at risk recovery strategy progress updates
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This dataset contains status updates and projected timelines for the preparation of recovery strategies for 37 species required under the Endangered Species Act, 2007. Full...Resource formats:
Provincially licensed fish plants
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This data identifies all provincially licensed fish plants in the province of Ontario. The dataset contains the following data: plant name plant number contact information...Resource formats:
Provincially licensed meat plants
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This data identifies all provincially licensed abattoirs, abattoirs that conduct further processing, freestanding meat plants, and plants that specialize in the slaughter of the...Resource formats:
The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program fair market value valuation table
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset provides standardized compensation rates and premiums for the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP). When livestock or poultry are injured or...Resource formats:
Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System benefit rates
Ministry: Finance
If you’re a senior with low income, you may qualify for monthly Guaranteed Annual Income System payments. Maximum payment and allowable private income amounts: The guaranteed...Resource formats:
Tax interest rates
Ministry: Finance
Tax interest is compounded daily and interest rates are reset every 3 months. Note: Provincial land tax interest rates are not reset every three months. Provincial land tax...Resource formats:
Environmental Compliance Reports
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Every year, the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks publicly releases the Environmental Compliance Report on the Ontario Data Catalogue. In Ontario, all...Resource formats:
Ontario Health Premium rates
Ministry: Finance
Data tracking the estimated Ontario Health Premium amounts paid by individuals. The premium ranges up to $900 if your taxable income is more than $20,000. About Ontario Health...Resource formats:
Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Provides stream water quality monitoring data for a number of parameters, including total and dissolved nutrients, metals, and chloride. The Provincial (Stream) Water Quality...Resource formats:
Beer manufacturers, microbrewers and brands
Ministry: Finance
This list identifies the brands of beer made by beer manufacturers and microbreweries that are subject to the beer tax. You can use this list to calculate the beer tax you pay...Resource formats:
Use of Force in Correctional Institutions
Ministry: Solicitor General
This dataset contains data on all use of force incidents that occurred in a provincial adult correctional institution in Ontario in the reporting calendar year. Data were...Resource formats: