Adoption homestudies and homestudy waiting lists

The adoption homestudies data shows the number of homestudies completed during the fiscal year inclusive of those withdrawn, rejected and approved, conducted by a children's aid society on adoptive applicants.

Waitlist Reduction Initiative

In 2011, the government implemented a three-year strategy to reduce waitlists for adoption homestudies. This homestudy waiting list dataset covers all three years of this strategy.

Data shows:

  • number of families waiting to complete a homestudy
  • number of homestudies projected to be completed (based on the waitlist reported to the Ministry of Child and Youth Services)
  • number of homestudies completed with funding from the initiative

Data only covers the studies completed with funding under the Structured Analysis Family Evaluation Waitlist Reduction Initiative.

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
April 30, 2015
Update frequency

Adoption homestudies and homestudy waiting lists

Learn more about accessing data using different formats.

Date range: April 1, 2005 - March 31, 2014

  • CSV
    Homestudy waiting lists English

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015

  • CSV
    Adoption homestudies English

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015

  • CSV
    L’étude du milieu familial

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015


Supporting Files

  • TXT
    Homestudies Waitlist Additional Notes English and French

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015

  • XLSX
    Homestudies: Data dictionary English and French

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015

  • XLSX
    L’étude du milieu familial : Dictionnaire des données English and French

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015

  • XLSX
    Listes d’attente : Dictionnaire de données English and French

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015

  • TXT
    Listes d’attente pour les études du milieu familial English and French

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015


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