Building to Scale

A building is a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place.

Small buildings have only their location recorded.

A 'building to scale' is a structure that has one dimension larger than 50 metres for the 1: 20,000 scale and larger than 30 metres for the 1: 10,000 scale. Their extents are recorded.

Instructions for downloading this dataset:

  • select the link below and scroll down the metadata record page until you find Transfer Options in the Distribution Information section
  • select the link beside the Data for download label
  • you must provide your name, organization and email address in order to access the dataset.

This product requires the use of GIS software.

*[GIS]: geographic information system

Ministry contact: Natural Resources and Forestry

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
July 2, 2013
Update frequency
As required

Building to Scale

Learn more about accessing data using different formats.

Date range: January 1, 1977 - October 19, 2010

  • Other
    Access to Building to Scale English

    Last Updated: July 2, 2013


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