Early Development Instrument (EDI)

The EDI is designed for use with whole populations based on geographical or administrative boundaries. It is a questionnaire completed by kindergarten teachers for each student in senior kindergarten.

The EDI measures early child development in 5 domains:

  • physical health and well-being
  • social competence
  • emotional maturity
  • language and cognitive development
  • communication skills and general knowledge

The EDI was developed by researchers at the Offord Centre for Child Studies in McMaster University. The instrument is designed to be interpreted at the group level only.

*[EDI]: Early Development Instrument

Ministry contact: Education

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
June 29, 2015
Update frequency
As required

Early Development Instrument (EDI)

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Date range: February 1, 2004 - March 31, 2015

  • CSV
    Cycles 1-3 English

    Last Updated: June 29, 2015

  • CSV
    Cycle 4 English

    Last Updated: June 29, 2015


Supporting Files

  • XLSX
    Data Dictionary English

    Last Updated: June 29, 2015

  • XLSX
    Dictionnaire de données French

    Last Updated: June 29, 2015


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