Fertilizer requirements for specialty crops

Data under review

This data is not available right now. We are reviewing the data to determine if it can be made open to the public.

Get results of experiments, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, to measure how well specialty crops, such as kohlrabi and brilliant melon, grow when given different levels of nitrogen fertilizer.

Data on the response of kohlrabi and brilliant melon to different levels of nitrogen. Specialty crops like kohlrabi and brilliant melon are typically non-traditional crops grown on small acreages in Ontario. These experiments are designed to identify the correct amount of nitrogen fertilizer required for good crop growth.

This dataset is no longer collected or maintained. Information and data held by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for this record is historical.

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Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
September 25, 2020
Update frequency

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