Forest Resources of Ontario 2021

This data is a snapshot of Ontario’s forests using the latest available data.

Summaries include:

  • area and volume of forest types
  • common tree species
  • other land information such as area by forest region, ecoregions and other land classes

Visual display:

  • The forest information presented in this data is also available in interactive maps and charts
  • Maps and charts allow you to view the data in finer detail and allows for comparisons between forest types and regions

You can also view:

Ministry contact: Natural Resources and Forestry

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Ontario overview - Managed forest zone highlight
Maintainer branch
Crown Forests and Lands Policy Branch
Last Validated Date
August 23, 2021
Update frequency

Forest Resources of Ontario 2021

Learn more about accessing data using different formats.

Date: November 1, 2020

  • CSV
    Forest Statistics 1 | Statistiques sur les forêts (1) English [173.5 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Forest area summarized by LSGR and forest type

  • CSV
    Forest Statistics 2 | Statistiques sur les forêts (2) English [85.7 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Forest species percentages by forest type and LSGR

  • CSV
    Forest Statistics 3 | Statistiques sur les forêts (3) English [339.1 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Forest volumes in cubic metres by LSGR and forest type

  • CSV
    Forest Statistics 4 | Statistiques sur les forêts (4) English [155.2 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Forest area statistics by LSGR and landscape metrics such as forest unit and...

  • CSV
    Historical Forest Types | Types de forêts historiques English [36.4 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Historical forest type area and age class for current and previous FRO reports

  • CSV
    Historical Leading Species | Principales essences historiques English [37 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Historical leading species area and age class for current and previous FRO...

  • CSV
    Total Growing Stock Volumes | Volume total du matériel sur pied English [12.9 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Total MFZ and estimated provincial growing stock volumes by species in cubic...

  • SHP
    Administrative Zone | Zone administrative English [50.3 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Spatial file of administrative zones in Ontario

  • SHP
    Landscape Guide Regions (LSGR) | Régions des guides des paysages English [86.3 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Spatial file of landscape guide regions

  • SHP
    Common tree species distribution | Répartition des essences communes d’arbres English [4.8 MiB]

    Last Updated: November 1, 2020

    Spatial file of common tree species distribution in Ontario


Supporting Files

  • Other
    Visualization English

    This highly specialized publication is available in English only in...


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