Licensed child care facilities in Ontario

The data includes: licensee name, program type, ministry region, Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM)/District Social Service Administration Board (DSSAB) name, child care centre or agency name, licence number, original issue date, licence status, language of service delivery, and facility address.

The information about licensed child care facility locations is provided and maintained by licensees through the Child Care Licensing System.

The data is updated monthly and includes historic information for licensed child care facilities active at any time since January 1, 2014. View similar data on the licensed child care website that is updated daily with information about currently active child care facilities.

Ministry contact: Education

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
July 31, 2024
Update frequency

Licensed child care facilities in Ontario

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Date range: June 1 - 30, 2024

  • XLSX
    June 2024 English [990.2 KiB]

    Last Updated: July 31, 2024


Supporting Files

  • XLSX
    Data dictionary English and French

    Last Updated: November 30, 2019

  • XLSX
    Supporting file
  • WEB
    Supporting file
  • XLSX
    Supporting file
  • WEB
    Supporting file

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