List of approved nutrient management strategies and Non-Agricultural Source Material Plan (NASM)

Data under review

This data is not available right now. We are reviewing the data to determine if it can be made open to the public.

This dataset contains data tracking approved nutrient management strategies and Non-Agricultural Source Material Plans.

Three documents a farmer may be required to have under the regulations of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, are a: nutrient management strategy (NMS), nutrient management plan (NMP) and non-agricultural source material plan (NASM).

The Act has two basic principles: environmental protection and a sustainable future for agriculture operations and rural development. NMS, NMP and NASM plans recognize the balance between these principles and attempt to help the producer successfully manage the nutrients under his/her control.

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
December 18, 2020
Update frequency
As required

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