Ministry of Children and Youth Services Student Nutrition Program sites

The Student Nutrition Program helps provide healthy breakfasts, snacks and lunches to school-age kids across Ontario. This dataset contains a list of Student Nutrition Program sites at schools and community locations.

The dataset contains:

  • school name
  • Ministry of Education school ID
  • school board
  • school address
  • program type (breakfast/morning meal, lunch, or snack)

Where an address is not provided, the school or community location does not have a Ministry of Education school ID number. Some entries may appear to be duplicates but represent two separate programs in one school or community location.

*[ID]: identification

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
December 20, 2017
Update frequency
As required

Ministry of Children and Youth Services Student Nutrition Program sites

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Date range: December 1, 2016 - no end date

  • CSV

    Last Updated: December 20, 2017

  • CSV

    Last Updated: December 20, 2017

  • XLSX
    Data dictionary

    Last Updated: December 20, 2017


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