Next Generation Of Jobs Fund (NGOJF) grant recipients

The Next Generation of Jobs Fund was announced in March 2008 as one of the cornerstones of the government's economic development strategy to stimulate economic growth and create a sustainable and globally competitive workplace for the next generation of workers. The purpose of the fund was to support research, development and commercialization in innovative industries and attract new investments in strategic areas of Ontario's economy. The Next Generation of Jobs Fund has stopped accepting new applications, but the program is actively managing existing contracts.

This data set contains a list of recipients of Next Generation of Jobs Fund from 2008 to 2012. This list includes the following details:

  • funding program
  • name of company
  • location
  • fiscal year contract signed
  • government funding commitment
  • total project jobs created and retained as in the contract.

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Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
September 11, 2017
Update frequency

Next Generation Of Jobs Fund (NGOJF) grant recipients

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Date range: April 1, 2007 - March 31, 2012

  • XLSX
    NGOJF Open Data

    Last Updated: September 11, 2017

  • XLSX
    Bénéficiaires du Fonds pour les emplois dans les secteurs émergents (FESE)

    Last Updated: September 11, 2017


Supporting Files

  • TXT

    Last Updated: September 11, 2017

  • TXT

    Last Updated: September 11, 2017


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