Ontario Infant Hearing Program (IHP) screening statistics

The data tracks the number of babies screened with the Stage 1 ADPOAE through the IHP, either in Pre-discharge hospital or in the community.

The Stage 1 screen identifies newborns where hearing loss is a possibility and further testing is necessary.

The dataset is organized by:

  • fiscal year
  • Forward Sortation Area
  • Ontario IHP region
  • screening location

[ADPOAE]: Automated Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions [IHP]: Infant Hearing Program

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
May 30, 2016
Update frequency
As required

Ontario Infant Hearing Program (IHP) screening statistics

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Date range: April 1, 2003 - March 31, 2015

  • CSV

    Last Updated: May 30, 2016

  • XLSX
    Data dictionary

    Last Updated: May 30, 2016


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