Ontario public school contact information

Contact information for publicly funded schools in Ontario.


  • region
  • board number
  • board name
  • board type
  • board language
  • school name
  • school number
  • school level
  • school language
  • school type
  • school special conditions code
  • suite
  • PO box
  • street
  • city
  • province
  • postal code
  • phone number
  • fax
  • grade range
  • date open
  • school email
  • school website
  • board website

Source: Board School Identification Database (BSID) / Ontario School Information System (OnSIS) as updated/maintained by boards, August 2024.

Note: school and board contact information are updated/maintained by boards.

Data includes: public and Catholic schools; publicly funded hospital and provincial schools; summer and night schools; Education and Community Partnership Programs (ECPP).

Data excludes private schools.

Also note:

  • Grade Range 9-12 may include pre-grade 9
  • "Combined schools" offer both elementary and secondary education
  • school special conditions code "Not applicable" indicates that there are no special conditions for the school
Ministry contact: Education

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
August 13, 2024
Update frequency

Ontario public school contact information

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Date: August 2, 2024

  • TXT
    Data English [1.6 MiB]

    Last Updated: August 13, 2024

    Publicly Funded Schools, August 2024, English

  • TXT
    Data French [1.8 MiB]

    Last Updated: August 13, 2024

    Publicly Funded Schools, August 2024, French

  • XLSX
    Data French [917.2 KiB]

    Last Updated: August 13, 2024

    Publicly Funded Schools, August 2024, French

  • XLSX
    Data English [914.7 KiB]

    Last Updated: August 13, 2024

    Publicly Funded Schools, August 2024, English.


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