Ontario Road Safety Annual Report (ORSAR)

Under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA), the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is required to report annually on motor vehicle collision statistics. The Ontario Road Safety Annual Report (ORSAR) is a comprehensive record of road safety statistics. The primary source of data is collision reports provided by police services.

The ORSAR report is organized among seven datasets:

  • Chapter 1: Provides a synopsis of key road safety statistics such as the total number of traffic fatalities, injuries, collisions, licensed drivers and registered vehicle.

  • Chapter 2: Highlights traffic fatalities and injuries by severity and characteristics of the road users involved.

  • Chapter 3: Profiles the types of collisions that occur on Ontario’s roads.

  • Chapter 4: Identifies the location of collisions in Ontario and provides a breakdown of the various classes of collision, the number of persons killed or injured and the number of motor vehicle registrations by municipality and county.

  • Chapter 5: Examines the types of vehicles involved in motor vehicle collisions in Ontario.

  • Chapter 6: Examines vehicles of special interest, including motorcycles, school buses, large trucks, snowmobiles, off-road vehicles and bicycles.

  • Chapter 7: Presents conviction, offence and suspension data related to motor vehicle use in Ontario. Convictions are summarized by legislation and conviction type.

For additional information regarding this data visit the following website: https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-road-safety-annual-reports-orsar

Ministry contact: Transportation

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Geographic coverage
Maintainer branch
Ministry of Transportation - Safety Policy and Education Branch
Last Validated Date
March 31, 2020
Update frequency

Ontario Road Safety Annual Report (ORSAR)

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Date range: January 1 - December 31, 2016

  • ZIP
    Ontario Road Safety Annual Report (ORSAR) - ZIP File English [54.8 KiB]

Supporting Files

  • XLSX
    Data dictionary English [136.1 KiB]

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