Ontario waterbody location identifier

This dataset represents unique Ontario waterbody location identification information including:

  • unique identifiers
  • geographic coordinates
  • geographic township
  • municipality
  • waterbody names, official and local (unofficial)

This is a derived dataset from Named geographic features.

This dataset should not be used as a source for official waterbody names.

For more information on using Geographic Names, visit Geographic names.

Ministry contact: Geographic Names

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Geographic Names
Maintainer branch
Mapping and Information Resources Branch
Last Validated Date
November 23, 2021
Update frequency
As required

Ontario waterbody location identifier

Learn more about accessing data using different formats.

Date range: July 20, 2009 - November 23, 2021

  • Other
    Ontario waterbody location identifier English
  • Other
    Ontario waterbody location identifier French

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