Operating grants to colleges and universities

Data about the operating grants issued to universities and publicly assisted colleges of applied arts and technology by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development.

Major grant types include:

  • basic operating grants and enrolment funding
  • northern institution and French language or bilingual programs
  • grants for programs for Aboriginal education, students with disabilities and first generation students
  • health human resource programs

special purpose and other organization grants

Ministry contact: Colleges and Universities

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Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
April 9, 2014
Update frequency

Operating grants to colleges and universities

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Date range: April 9, 2012 - April 9, 2016

  • XLSX
    Subventions de fonctionnement accordées aux collèges||XLS

    Last Updated: April 9, 2014

  • XLS
    Operating grants to colleges||XLS

    Last Updated: April 9, 2014

  • XLS
    Operating grants to universities||XLS

    Last Updated: April 9, 2014


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