Precipitation data

This data contains information on active precipitation gauges in Ontario.

These precipitation gauges:

  • measure how much rainfall/precipitation falls on the ground (mm)
  • are peripherals to hydrometric monitoring stations within the Ontario Hydrometric Network

Rainfall and snowmelt are primary causes of flooding in Ontario. The lack of precipitation often causes low water and drought conditions.

Data from the gauges is collected and maintained by the Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC).

The data supports SWMC and partner organization such as conservation authorities, on the local and provincial scale, with:

  • flood forecasting and warning
  • drought monitoring

The SWMC transfers precipitation data to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). This happens through an automated process integrated into the SWMC corporate water and climate database.

ECCC publishes and maintains a variety of datasets on their Meteorological Services of Canada Datamart, a publicly accessible source for meteorological and hydrological data. This data source has 24/7 operational service and provides support on a best effort basis during normal business hours.

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Surface Water Monitoring Centre
Surface Water Monitoring Centre
Maintainer branch
Divisional Delivery Branch
Last Validated Date
August 7, 2024
Update frequency
As required

Precipitation data

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No date range

  • CSV
    Climate Stations English and French

    Last Updated: March 27, 2024

    Direct link to the MSC (Meteorological Services of Canada) Datamart download...

  • WEB
    Climate Stations – Precipitation Data English

    Last Updated: March 27, 2024

    Direct link to the MSC (Meteorological Services of Canada) Datamart to access...


Supporting Files

  • CSV
    Network of Networks Survey (2015) English [208.5 KiB]

    Last Updated: March 27, 2024

    Results from a survey completed in 2014. The goal of this survey was for...


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