School board achievements and progress

Data includes:

  • board number
  • board name
  • board language
  • board type
  • district name
  • city
  • grade 6 EQAO reading results
  • progress in Grade 6 EQAO reading results
  • grade 10 OSSLT results
  • progress in Grade 10 OSSLT results
  • credit accumulation by the end of Grade 10 and 11
  • progress in credit accumulation by the end of Grade 10 and 11
  • primary class size with 20 students or less
  • progress in primary grade classes with 20 students or less
  • four-year and five-year graduation rates
  • progress in the four-year and five-year graduation rates

This data is shown as reported by:

  • the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) 2021-2022
  • school boards in the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS) 2020-2021 (Credit Accumulation) and 2019-2020 (Graduation Rate)
  • Class-size Tracker 2015-2016

This data is also available through the Ministry of Education's School Board Progress Report website.

Ministry contact: Education

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
September 5, 2023
Update frequency

School board achievements and progress

Learn more about accessing data using different formats.

Date range: September 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023

  • XLSX
    Data English [7.5 MiB]

    Last Updated: February 15, 2024

  • XLSX
    Data French [14.7 MiB]

    Last Updated: February 15, 2024


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