Survey data for Ontario’s honours, recognition and commemorative programs

Data under review

This data is not available right now. We are reviewing the data to determine if it can be made open to the public.

The dataset includes survey feedback from the:

  • Amethyst Award for Outstanding Achievement by Ontario Public Servants
  • David C. Onley Award for Leadership in Accessibility Ceremony
  • Hilary M. Weston Scholarship Ceremony
  • James Bartleman Indigenous Youth Creative Writing Award Ceremony
  • June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism Ceremony
  • Lincoln M. Alexander Award Ceremony
  • Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers Ceremony
  • Order of Ontario Ceremony
  • Volunteer Service Award Ceremony
  • Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship Ceremony
  • Award for Paramedic Bravery Ceremony
  • Senior Achievement Award Ceremony
  • Canada Day Celebrations Ceremony

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
April 9, 2019
Update frequency
As required

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